If I remember correctly, in previous election cycles FactCheck.Org seemed to be trying to expose lies and half-truths by Democrats as often as those by Republicans. I remember being irritated that exaggerations by Democrats seemed to get as much billing as outright lies by the GOP.
Well, if FactCheck.Org was indeed doing that in the past, they’ve given up. Today’s email links to http://www.factcheck.org/ and almost everything there is about Republican lies. One of the few items that isn’t is this item http://www.factcheck.org/2015/11/bogus-meme-targets-trump/
Did Donald Trump tell People magazine in 1998 that if he ever ran for president, he’d do it as a Republican because “they’re the dumbest group of voters in the country” and that he “could lie and they’d still eat it up”?
A: No, that’s a bogus meme.
And gee whiz, if that meme were factual, it would be one time The Donald spoke the truth. He’s proving it every day.